Accreditation Training Programs

The accreditation training center supports early learning programs as they engage in continuous quality improvement through WERC Accreditation system. Accreditation training is mainly delivered through On-site training. We are delighted to offer a variety of brand-new support services to help programs and agencies learn more about WERC Accreditation of Early Learning Programs. These sessions are designed to help administrators, coaches, technical assistance providers, and teachers learn more about preparing for accreditation. Please complete the form that best describes your training needs.

Training is an essential component to a successful accreditation effort. In order to achieve accreditation in an efficient and timely manner, department personnel require a thorough understanding of its concepts and procedures. Agency administrators should be familiar with the requirements of the program to allocate sufficient resources, delegate essential tasks, and implement required strategies. Similarly, staff members who coordinate the accreditation project, particularly the Accreditation Mentor, need to understand the specific steps necessary to comply with standards, document their compliance, and prepare for the agency’s review by assessors.

While procedural manuals will direct program implementation and provide useful guidance, participation in training sessions can accelerate and expand the understanding of concepts and procedures. The accreditation mentor will clarify, illuminate and spark enthusiasm during the training process. Training paves the way for a fuller and more comprehensive understanding of the principals contained in procedural guidebooks.

WERC will present Accreditation workshops during its Annual Auditing Conference. If your organization expects to participate in the accreditation program, this is an excellent opportunity to learn about the process and to network with others who are involved. You may also get a head start by bringing any staff members who will be involved in implementing your program.

Training sessions will include:

  • Accreditation Management Training
    Intended to outline the critical steps to achieving accreditation, this workshop will identify and explain the principal duties of an Accreditation mentor, including preparing a self-assessment plan, writing effective directives, organizing accreditation files, and preparing for an on-site assessment.
  • School Administrators Panel on Accreditation
    A panel of school administrators from accredited organizations will discuss their accreditation process experiences. They will answer frequently asked questions and address areas of concern for administrators considering accreditation. Topics of discussion are likely to include the benefits of accreditation, how to manage the accreditation process, and how to avoid common problems or pitfalls.

WERC's accreditation team offers contextualization and customization of WERC’s domestic work for international audiences. Professional development programs addressing developmentally appropriate practice, program administration, and other topics are provided via face-to-face training, digital platforms, and blended learning programs. For more information about how WERC’s international department can support your professional development efforts, please contact

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