Accreditation Protocols

Throughout the accreditation process, we would expect all the parties involved demonstrate professional ethics that uphold the highest quality standards of WERC Accreditation Protocol.

The accredited school agrees to:

  • Provide funding for mentor and accreditation fees
  • Provide supplies and materials when the budget allows In schools with four or more classrooms, when the budget allows, provide a stipend for a point person who will take on a leadership role in the accreditation process and will assist with communication and coordination of accreditation-related activities. The point person will also coordinate the delivery and dissemination of furniture and educational supplies. It is hoped the point person will continue to act as a leader in the school once the school is accredited to help the school maintain accreditation.
  • Provide up to 60 PDP’s to teachers for up to 60 hours of accreditation work completed with a facilitator after teachers’ regular hours when/if necessary
  • Provide funding for substitute coverage for some meetings with mentors if needed/wanted when the budget allows
  • Provide district-wide PD covering topics required by accreditation criteria and funding for some school-based PD required by accreditation criteria when the budget allows
  • Facilitate evaluation of mentor services
  • Oversee the contract with mentor agency - Wesley Education accreditation specialist acts as contact person for accreditation work.

WERC mentor agrees to:

Provide accreditation support and technical assistance to teachers, paraprofessionals, and principals including:

  • Provide information on the accreditation process to various constituencies including teachers, parents and governing boards.
  • Taking the lead to be sure the accreditation process is followed including assuring applications, submissions and other required forms are completed promptly
  • Reviewing accreditation criteria with teachers, principals and other school staff
  • Observing to help school personnel identify criteria that are being met and those that are goals for each classroom and the early childhood program in general
  • Working with teachers, and principals and other school staff to determine strategies to meet criteria and working with school staff to implement these strategies.
  • Assisting school staff in identifying supplies and materials needs and facilities needs and submitting orders to BPS accreditation specialist
  • Providing professional development when needed and working with the principal to be sure all teaching staff and administrators meet the requirements for PD by the end of the process
  • Scheduling and providing support for the completion and tallying of family and staff surveys
  • Assisting with the gathering and organization of documentation including Classroom and Program Portfolios
  • Completing and submitting all information and paperwork required by the Wesley Schools
  • Attending monthly mentor meetings

As principal and School Administrators agree to:

  • Commit and schedule a time to work on accreditation tasks as outlined in my three-year work plan.
  • Arrange a time for meetings with the mentor assigned to my school as needed –approximately 2 – 6 hours per month.
  • Enroll in the accreditation process.
  • Work with the mentor assigned to my school to:
    1. Develop a 3-year work plan
    2. Take a leadership role
    3. Schedule times for meetings with teaching teams, grade level teams, specialists and others such as lunch monitors when applicable. Because the accreditation process involves both the paraprofessionals, the teachers and all others who work with kindergarteners and their families, it is important for the mentor to have time to meet with all of these teams including teams consisting of the teacher and the paraprofessional.
    4. In schools with four or more classrooms, identify a point person who will take on a leadership role in the accreditation process and will assist with communication and coordination of accreditation-related activities. The point person will also coordinate the delivery and dissemination of furniture and educational supplies. The point person will continue to act as a leader in the school once the school is accredited to help the school maintain accreditation. This role will be supported by a stipend during the time the school is involved in the accreditation process when the budget allows.
    5. Outline and implement professional development plans for teachers and paraprofessionals to meet accreditation criteria including First Aid and CPR. Professional development hours will be needed to meet the criteria.
    6. Administer an annual evaluation using the WERC Family & Teaching-Staff Surveys
    7. Develop and implement plans to meet accreditation standards identified as goals in the areas of relationships, curriculum, teaching, assessment, health, teachers, families, community relationships, physical environment, and leadership & management.
    8. Collect and organize documentation for the program portfolio - approximately 2-4 hours per month over the course of a three-year period.
    9. Complete candidacy materials for submission - approximately 20 hours during the last year of the process.
  • Assist the mentor to schedule and conduct classroom observations and meet with teachers to discuss classroom strengths and goals and develop strategies to meet goals – approximately four hours per classroom per year.
  • Follow-up with and monitor classrooms as they work towards meeting accreditation criteria and compiling classroom portfolios – approximately 20-30 hours per year.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders, including educators and families, are informed about the accreditation process
  • Inform the mentor about issues affecting the school and new developments/changes.
  • Complete an evaluation of my accreditation mentor - approximately 1 hour per year and meet with the Wesley Education Accreditation specialist once or twice per year – approximately 3 hours per year.

Teachers and Paraprofessionals agree to:

Commit to and schedule time for accreditation work including

  • Meetings with accreditation mentor to learn about the accreditation process and accreditation criteria, to identify strengths and goals of classroom and to develop improvement plans – approximately 18 – 40 hours per year
  • Completion of self-assessment forms including Classroom Observation Tool and Teaching Staff Survey – approximately six hours per year
  • Implementation of improvement plans
  • Complete Classroom Portfolio – approximately 2 – 3 hours per month over the course of a two-year period.
  • Comply with professional development criteria

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