Wesley Education Research Center

Wesley Education Research Center for Early Childhood Education is the leading organization in advocating the philosophies, methodologies and values of Progressive Education within the Wesley Education Family. Pioneered by John Dewey, the founding father of modern education movements in US, Progressive Education flourishes in the pursuit of fostering a cooperative community citizen and developing individuals’  capacities ever since.

Community Minded Citizen

One of the two primary goals of progressive education is developing community minded citizens, who strive to serve the common good and who are driven to return to the society. At Wesley Schools, community service or service learning have been incorporated into the standard curriculum, while at the same time, outside classroom community initiatives abound. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will play a key role in coordinating, organizing and supporting community service and community engagement programs, so that Wesley students may reach out to the communities, make a difference and help build a better, stronger community around us.

How can you reach us?

Corporate Office: Suite 504, 25 North Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55401

Contact Number: 001- 914-725 2790

Fax Number: 001 - 914 - 327 9903

Email: memberservice@wesleyedu.org

Emergency Contact: Frank Wang

Email: tianhe.wang@wesleyedu.org

Copyright © 2025  Wesley Education Research Center. All rights reserved.                         Address: 504,25 North 4th Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55401, USA