Specialized Educational Programs

In partnership with premium, renowned preschool content providers in the US, WERC releases purposefully designed, specialized curriculum to supplement the class learning at Wesley Schools. They include, but do not limit to, Music Program, Cooking Program, Building Program, Open Ended Art Program, Science Program, and Family Engagement Program. Working together, those specialized programs help develop Wesley children in a comprehensive and holistic way!

Music Program

Music is a universal language. It transcends boundaries and reaches beyond culture to touch the depths of our souls, express our common emotions, and inspire us all. As the nation’s most successful music program, Music Together establishes more than 3,000 communities in over 40 countries and connects families and communities across the globe as they express and explore our basic human instinct for making music.

Early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age 7—and the grownups who love them®. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement. In partnership with Music Together, WERC recommends a specialized music program to its member schools. For more information, please check out https://www.musictogether.com/.

Cooking Program

With the rise in childhood obesity, one can encourage healthy nutrition and fitness habits at home and in the classroom. Create your healthy snacks and share the recipes and photos of your creations. This fun, food-themed day is about more than just cheese and crackers. Cooking together connects math with literacy skills, science, and more. Children will measure the ingredients while making their snacks! Teachers will assist by asking children if they’d like the same or different amounts of each ingredient. Bright Horizons is the leading organization in incorporating specialized cooking programs into classroom activities in the US, WERC recommends a fully fledged cooking program to its member schools. For more information, please check out http://www.brighthorizons.com/.

Building Program

When children build together, they explore math and science concepts and develop their social and early literacy skills. Children can use any building material—from a fort of branches on the playground to a block city in the classroom, or a hideaway made from couch pillows at home. Children will practice organizing blocks by size; build a block tower with large blocks on the bottom and little blocks on top; put assorted blocks together and unleash imaginations with their creations. Most important of all; children will build, think and share pictures of their creations through art competitions. As a premium playing material provider, Lego also offers a specialized curriculum that helps children to practice local motor skills while working together in a team. For more information about Building Program, please check out https://education.lego.com/en-us

Open Ended Art Program

Children develop creativity, social skills and fine motor skills with open-ended art projects where they can make choices, use their imaginations, and create with their hands. The Open-Ended Arts Programs celebrate the joy and learning children experience when engaged in creative art making. Children may use any materials—from crayons to paint, clay to crafts! Teachers may also bring art outdoors! Offer dark and light paper, chalk and pastels, and suggest children create their versions of the day and night sky! With a full selection of early childhood educational products, including furniture, manipulative and games, Childcraft and School Specialty help you create a complete and effective learning environment. Childcraft offers a complete assortment of high-quality, safe and developmentally appropriate products that support early learning standards and educational outcomes for children from birth through grade 2. Together, we can meet the needs of all children by building crucial "C" learning skills for the 21st Century: communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and character building.

Science Program

Create an indoor storm with thunder and lightning, bend light to see all rainbow colors, alter voices and learn that sound travels in invisible waves, mak magic mud, soda pop and learn matter can change physically and chemically, and much more fun! Those are what Mad Science brings to us. Mad Science is an award-winning program that aims to spark imaginative learning in natural and life sciences. Mad Science has created a vast library of unique scientific programs. Their spectacular demonstrations, hands-on activities, and real world discussions make learning about science fun for children! Children are encouraged to give science a try in class and build their very own model rockets, periscopes, Mad Science putty, and more. Children even get to take home their science experiment to show Mom and Dad! For more information, please contact http://www.madscience.org/.

Family Engagement Program

Engaging and celebrating families is at the heart of supporting our youngest learners. WERC applauds family members’ role as young children’s first and most important teachers. Through playful, collaborative, family participating activities, students and their parents could share pictures and stories about their family and find the bond and strength from within as we celebrate the unique role families play in their children's learning and development. For instance, the program may invite parents for a Family Friday breakfast, where children can prepare and share breakfast treats with their families! For more information, please contact http://www.thegeniusofplay.org/.

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